Journey to ALTER MY EGO: A Fashion Show Story

Journey to ALTER MY EGO: A Fashion Show Story

I wanted to share with you all my journey with AlterEgo Brand & Company. It's been a hard road, but it's also been an incredible journey of self-discovery.

We all come from different backgrounds and experiences but our similarities are what makes us human beings. We all have dreams, goals, aspirations and desires to be better than who we are today! I believe that everyone has a story, even if it’s not told yet. I want people to feel inspired and confidence in their own skin no matter what size, color or shape they are; when they wear AEB.
I also want them to feel the beauty within themselves with fashion.

I'm sure you've all heard the old saying, "Don't let your dreams be dreams.” Well, I'm here to tell you that it's true. When I was 8 years old, I would make clothes for my sister's baby dolls out of construction paper and notebook paper. I had a gift and passion for fashion early in my childhood, and I didn't know it would grow into something much bigger than myself. For years, AlterEgo Brand just chilled in the back of my sketchbook until one day I decided it was time to release it into the world. And then came the fear: What if everyone hates it? What if they don't like what they see? those words kept me shallow because i was afraid. If I allowed the enemy to play with my mind I would had never release anything at all... So, I took a deep breath and began creating AlterEgo Brand & Company a brand that celebrates diversity through fashion and with style while also encouraging people to be their best selves. I stepped out on faith. And God showed up and said "This is YOUR vision! Let me guide you! God had to push me into my confidence—I couldn't have done it without Him. I also had help from my mentor, stylist consultant who’s my sister in fashion Terissa Flowers (T.joi). She was at the beginning when AEB was first formed and we designed my very first logo. She pushed me, encouraged me, and been one of my biggest supporters. I would share my sketches and ideas with her and she will tell me I had a natural gift with fashion. I remember sharing with (T.joi), asking her what she thought about the idea of a fashion show. Her words were simple: "You can do it, but it’s a lot of work that goes into it but if you going do it then be serious about it.
I had a vision for a fashion show, and I knew I had to make it happen. On my official birthday March 11, 2022 in Atlanta,GA. “Alter My Ego” Fashion Show was planned. This being my very first show I didn't know what to expect but the more I thought about it, the more excited I got. This was a huge milestone for me—It was so surreal to think that my dream would come to life. I'm not going to lie: It wasn't easy! there were times when I felt like giving up but I continued to push through because I knew that this was my calling, and when you're passionate about something, nothing can stand in your way. It had turned out to be so much more than I could have ever imagined! Even though there were some mishaps behind the scenes (as there always are), including technical difficulties with the production crew, we were able to pull through and still have a great show! To our 11 models who helped bring my vision to life understood the assignment and soared through the entire journey were incredible.

The best part of all was seeing how many people showed up to support us on the runway—friends, family members, who traveled near and far even people who had never met us before but wanted to come out to support our event. That's what makes this journey so special; it's all about building and coming together as one big family.
In closing, I'm so thankful for all the people who helped me make this vision come true. It's been quite a journey—one filled with ups and downs—but God has been faithful every step of the way. I'm so grateful to have had the chance to share my story with you. So there’s my story: A girl who had a vision and dream grew up to become someone who inspires others—and i couldn't have done any of this without God leading the way!

ALTER MY EGO: Fashion Show 

M.C. Host
Kisha Griggs & Ravish Sable


R.O.P. Drumline 

Singer/Songwriter Tiffany Trueblood 


We debuted our first collection at this event, which featured a total of 28 pieces from casual diversity to street diversity wear. The collection was divided into two parts: Part 1 Marti (ALTER): Cool and Confidence and Part 2 Tipp (EGO): Fun and Confidence.

 The Marti segment featured casual wear with an authentic personality, while the Tipp segment showcased street wear with a humor personality.

 We were thrilled to have over 100 people in attendance at this event. Guest performances such as singer songwriter Tiffany Trueblood and Rhythm of Psalms (ROP) Drumline from our hometown North Carolina. We were also blessed to have Mc’s Kisha Griggs and Sable Ravish who kept the energy and excitement high throughout the entire event, as well as DJ KIA spinning all the greatest tunes. Finally, showtime we had 11 models from all over the country on hand to be part of this special event—we even came up with a name for them: AEB M.O.D.E (Most Outstanding Dope-Diverse Ego). They lived up to their new moniker, with their unique styles and personalities bringing each look to life on stage!. All media and production in house capturing every moment.

 To all guest and attendees, We can't express how grateful we are for your support. Thank you!

 To be continued…

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